Saturday, November 10, 2007

See u soon...

Simplemente cuando crei que mi vida no tenía sentido, llegaste y llenaste todos mis días de colores... I see u soon

See You Soon Lyrics

Friday, November 09, 2007

Mafia Siciliana...

Several unique factors contributed to the development of organized crime on Sicily. The island is located at an easily accessible and strategically important place in the Mediterranean Sea. As a result, Sicily was invaded, conquered and occupied by hostile forces many times. This led to an overall distrust of central authority and codified legal systems. The family, rather than the state, became the focus of Sicilian life, and disputes were settled through a system in which punishment was dealt beyond the limits of the law.

In the 19th century, the European feudal system finally collapsed in Sicily. With no real government or functioning authority of any kind, the island quickly descended into lawlessness. Certain landowners and other powerful men began to build reputations and eventually came to be seen as local leaders. They were known as capos. The capos used their power to extract tributes from farmers under their authority (much like the feudal lords before them). Their authority was enforced through the threat of violence. Their criminal activities were never reported, even by the victims, because of the fear of reprisal. This was the beginning of the Sicilian Mafia.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Primero siento, luego existo...

Primero siento, luego existo...

Monday, May 21, 2007

Para Florcita, la mas linda de mi jardín!

Ey amiga tierna cuando estes triste o pases por esos momentitos que son complicados recorda que tenes una amiga fuera de lo normal, que te banca en todas... Gracias por ser como sos y sabelo que sos una amiguita de fierro a la cual amo un monton...
Te dedico este videito para que te rias un ratito...
Besotes y tranca que va a salir todo bien... TE RE AMO

Monday, May 14, 2007


Cuando estes triste y quieras tentarte de la risa mira este videito...

Sunday, May 06, 2007